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"No heaven can heaven be, if my horse isn't there to welcome me." Author Unknown
This page is dedicated to some of the horses I've had the privilege of having as partners.

He was my very first horse (pony) and came with a cart. I loved driving him around. My parents were crazy, I guess; I would never let my 2 or 3-year-old drive a pony pulling cart.

(I know, I had a thing with food names.)
Popcorn was a great companion. He's responsible for the first trophy I won. I spent every possible moment with him, we competed, explored and roamed constantly together. I jumped my first jump with him, too. No other horse in the history of time has brought more love and smiles to a little girl than Popcorn.
The tinsel photo was an attempt to give him a Christmas present.

Sterling Obsession
Sterling was an 18 hand Quarter Horse. He didn't just move, he floated. He was a once-in-a-lifetime horse. I was stopped often, by my fellow competitors, asking about him when we tried to warm up for a show. He had a crazy habit of sticking his tongue out when going around a Hunter course.
I bought him as a four-year-old and he lived the rest of his life with me.

aka Galileo
Gali is my current partner. When I drove up to look at him as a prospect, he was standing in the cross ties with his tongue sticking out, trying to get treats. And I knew he was going to come home with me. He is a 17 hand Hanovarian-Thoroughbred cross. His bold intelligence and his love of jumping makes him a joy to ride.
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